How To Avoid Dry Socket After Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure where the back set of molars is removed. This is typically done because many people develop impacted molars. Impaction occurs when there is not enough room in the mouth for the teeth to develop normally.  When teeth are removed, either through wisdom teeth removal or through a tooth extraction, a socket is left in your bone where the tooth was removed. A blood clot is supposed to form in the hole, that heals overtime. This blood clot serves as a protective layer over the underlying bone and nerve endings in the empty tooth socket. Dry socket occurs when the blood clot becomes dislodged, exposing the socket to nerves, air, food, and bacteria. At Suburban Dental, we want to provide you with tips to prevent you from getting dry socket.

How to Avoid Dry Socket

  1. Avoid straws. Using straws creates a suction in your mouth, which can cause the blood clot to move or become dislodged, and result in dry socket. You should avoid straws for a least one week after your procedure.
  2. Do not consume tobacco in any form, including chewing tobacco and electronic cigarettes. The chemicals and suction created during smoking can easily disrupt the healing processes or result in dry socket.
  3. Avoid beverages and foods that are extremely hot or cold. These can dissolve your blood clot, exposing the nerves and resulting in pain.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is a critical part of the recovery process. Acidic beverages can also cause the clot to become dissolved.
  5. Eat soft foods. Soft foods are less likely to disrupt the clot or get stuck in your socket.
  6. Continue proper oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing twice, daily.

Symptoms of Dry Socket

If you experience any of these symptoms, you could be experiencing dry socket.

  • Severe pain within a few days of your extraction
  • Loss of the blood clot, either partial or complete loss within the socket
  • Unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Bad breathe


Dry socket can occur as a result of bacterial contamination or trauma at the surgical site, after you’ve had one or multiple teeth removed. It can result in complications if left untreated, including delayed healing, infection in the socket, or infection in the bone. If you’re experiencing pain after your extraction, over-the-counter pain medication can help relieve any discomfort. If your pain levels continue to increase in the days following your extraction, contact Suburban Dental in Germantown, MD right away.

Learn More About Wisdom Teeth Removal Contact Us

How To Prevent Cavities & Tooth Decay

Don’t Wait—Prevent Decay Today!

Cavities, often referred to as tooth decay, are tiny holes that develop in the hard surface of your teeth. They are most common in children and teenagers, but they can affect everyone including infants and toddlers. Join Suburban Dental as we take a closer look at what causes cavities and how you can prevent them.

Causes of Cavities

Cavities typically occur as a result of poor oral health habits but other various factors can increase the risk of getting a cavity, including:

  • Dry mouth. Dry mouth occurs when there is a lack of saliva in the mouth. Saliva helps wash away food stuck on the teeth and it counters the acid produced by bacteria in the mouth, which reduces the chance of cavities.
  • High-sugar Foods and drinks. Certain foods aren’t as easily washed away from saliva, making them more likely to cause decay. Foods you should limit include ice cream, honey, sugar, soda, cake, chips, cookies, and hard candy.
  • Constant snacking or sipping. Carousing or eating frequently throughout the day results in increased bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria produce the acids that attack tooth enamel.
  • Lack of fluoride. Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps prevent cavities and can reverse the early stage of tooth decay. Use a fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash to help reduce your chance of cavities.

How to Prevent Cavities

Regular dental visits and daily brushing and flossing are the best protection against cavities. If you get a cavity, it should be treated right away. But, cavities left untreated get larger and larger, affecting the deeper layers of your teeth. Deeper cavities result in higher chances of experiencing severe toothache and infection. So, when it comes to cavities, prevention is key. Below are some of our cavity prevention tips:

  • Brush with fluoride toothpaste. Brush and floss twice a day, ideally after each meal.
  • Visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. Professional teeth cleanings remove plaque that builds up over time which isn’t removed by regular brushing and flossing. Going to the dentist twice a year is one of the best cavity prevention options.
  • Dental sealants. Sealants protect the tooth enamel from harmful plaque and bacteria.

If you think you have a cavity or tooth decay, call our Germantown, MD office at (301) 916-8570.

Learn More About Fillings and Sealants

What Is The Best Teeth Whitening Option?

Teeth can become discolored for a variety of reasons and many people want their teeth to be bright and white, so they look into teeth whitening. When it comes to getting a brighter smile, you can whiten your teeth at home or get a professional treatment. At home whitening typically includes over-the-counter products like whitening strips, pens, or toothpaste. Professional whitening includes custom-made whitening trays you take home or an in-office appointment. What might work best for some, might not necessarily work best for another. Suburban Dental wants to help you select what the best teeth whitening option is for you.

Both over-the counter and professional treatments use peroxide bleaching agents as the main active ingredient. The difference between each option is the amount of peroxide it contains. Over-the-counter solutions use 3 – 20 percent where professional solutions contain 14 – 43 percent. Solutions with higher amounts of peroxide should be left on for a shorter amount of time. Keeping the solution on longer will dehydrate your teeth and make them more prone to sensitivity.

Professional Whitening

Professional teeth whitening options are much safer and more effective. Additionally, it ensures that all of the proper precautions are taken. So, when it comes to protecting your gums, the whitening agent only gets on your teeth.

At-Home Whitening Products

Over-the-counter products are cheaper, generally take longer to see results, and have limitations depending on your tooth color and health prior. If used incorrectly, at-home teeth whitening kits can lead to burned gums, tooth sensitivity, or pain. It’s always best to talk with your dentist to decide the best treatment option for you. If you have questions about teeth whitening products, contact Suburban Dental in Germantown, MD.

If you choose to go for an over-the-counter solution, we recommend that you use one from the list of bleaching products with the ADA Seal of Acceptance.

Bleaching Products with ADA Seal of Acceptance


Learn More About Teeth Whitening

Root Canal Symptoms To Watch Out For

Each year, over 60 million Americans visit the dentist. Many of these visits can be attributed to cavities, which are small holes in your teeth that allow bacteria to get inside. But sometimes, other dental issues occur that require additional treatments. Root canals are considered the best option for saving a damaged tooth when an abscess is present. Suburban Dental is providing some root canal symptoms to watch out for below.

Signs You Need A Root Canal

1. Persistent Pain

Having persistent pain is one way to tell if you need a root canal. The pain might be constant, or it might go away, but it always comes back. You may feel the pain deep in the bone of your tooth, or it might be in your jaw, face or other teeth.

Tooth pain may have other causes, such as gum disease, cavities, or an impacted tooth, but it’s always a good idea to talk with your dentist if you have tooth pain.

2. Tooth Discoloration

An infection in the pulp of your tooth can cause your tooth to become discolored.Trauma to the tooth or the breakdown of the internal tissue can damage the roots and give the tooth a grayish-black appearance. While there might be other reasons a tooth is discolored, it could be cause for a root canal so talk with your dentist!

3. Sensitivity to Heat and Cold

When your teeth start to hurt from drinking a hot cup of coffee or drinking ice water, you may need a root canal.

The pain can be just a dull feeling, or it can be a sharp pain that lingers for an extended period of time, even after you’ve finished eating or drinking. If your tooth hurts when you eat or drink something hot or cold, it may be an indication that the blood vessels and nerves in your tooth are infected or damaged.

4. Swollen Gums

Swollen gums near the painful tooth can be a sign of an issue that requires a root canal. The swelling may come and go. It may be tender when you touch it, or it may not be painful to the touch.

There also might be a pimple like abscess on your gum, which may ooze pus from the infection of the tooth. This can give you an unpleasant taste in your mouth and make your breath smell bad.

5. A Chipped or Cracked Tooth

If you’ve chipped or cracked your tooth in an accident, in a contact sport, or by chewing on something hard, bacteria can set in and lead to inflammation and infection. Even if your tooth didn’t crack but you did injure it, the injury can still cause damage to the nerves of the tooth. The nerve can become inflamed and cause pain and sensitivity, which may require root canal treatment.

These are just a few signs that you may need a root canal. If you have any of these root canal symptoms, it’s a good idea to talk with Dr. Cho. Contact our Germantown, MD dental office and we can talk you through possible solutions.

Learn More About Root Canal Treatment


Is A Custom Mouth Guard Right For Me?

Mouth guards are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Even though mouth guards may look similar, they can provide different functions. They can be used for preventing teeth grinding, reducing snoring, sleep apnea relief, and protecting your mouth when playing sports. There are three different types of mouth guards: stock, boil and bite, and custom. Learn more about each option from our mouth guards service page.

Prevent Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding can cause soreness, tenderness, and tightness in the muscles of the jaw, neck, and face, commonly resulting in tension headaches. Mouthguards worn while you sleep prevent the bottom and top teeth from clenching together so damage does not occur. Custom mouth guards are recommended to prevent teeth grinding because they provide the best fit for your teeth, last longer over time than stock or boil and bite mouth guards, and will be the most comfortable option for you while you sleep.

Reduce Snoring or Manage Sleep Apnea

Snoring occurs when air flows past the relaxed tissues in your throat, causing the tissues to vibrate when you breathe. While sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep. There are two different types of mouth guards, or oral appliances that can be used for snoring and/or sleep apnea:

  • Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD): Pushes the lower jaw forward to open your airway while you sleep.
  • Tongue Retaining device: Grips your tongue to prevent it from falling into the back of the throat.

These oral appliances must be fitted by a dentist and worn in your mouth at night. There are many over the counter mouthguards that claim to prevent snoring or help sleep apnea but the best course of action is to consult with your dentist or doctor to see what is right for you.

Sports Mouth Guards

Sports mouth guards can help prevent damage to the face and minimize the risk of broken teeth or injuries to your face, jaw, tongue, and lips. Certain sports have higher risks than others. It is very important to wear a mouthguard if you play any of the following sports: football, boxing, hockey, or wrestling. Basically, when it comes to mouthguards, the better the fit, the better the protection. Stock mouth guards are the least expensive option for protecting your teeth while playing sports. Boil and bite mouthguards are slightly more expensive but they provide a better fit, reducing the risk of injury. Custom mouth guards will provide the most protection as they will have the best fit/coverage of your mouth.

We know you have many options for mouth guards, if you are not sure if a mouth guard will help you or if you would like a custom-fit mouth guard consultation, contact our Germantown, MD office today!